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Forum Guidelines


This forum is about family, the descendants of those buried in the Crawford-Williams Family Cemetery. Please keep the posts at least vaguely related to Crawford and Williams family history and relationships. The old standard advice of avoiding politics and religion applies. We may be all related, but that doesn't mean we all think alike. Be respectful of differences.

Language and images:
This is intended to be a family friendly forum. Please moderate your language appropriately and make sure any posted images are suitable for viewing anywhere by anyone. If your idea of what is appropriate is different from the moderator's idea of appropriate, the moderator's viewpoint rules. It can be discussed, but in the end, the moderator's viewpoint still rules.

If members feel the need to promote businesses or products to other members of this forum, let us know and we will set up a Business and Vendors area in the forum.

Moderator's Rule:
Any post may be deleted for any reason by a moderator. We don't expect this will ever be necessary, but if it happens, the moderator's decision always rules.

You must be registered in order to post to the forums or write a blog, but anyone, registered or not, can read what you write here. Your registration information is always private, unless you choose otherwise, but anything you write on this site is visible to the public.

Have Fun!

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